February 22, Vice Minister of National Defence Margiris Abukevičius attends the UK-led Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) Defence Ministers meeting in London that takes stock of the current security challenges in view of potential response to the Russian aggression. Ministers discussed the plans to strengthen the defence of the Baltic states and to support Ukraine.
“The time has come to set the JEF level of ambition – this capability has never been as important and relevant as it is today. That is, the Baltic states is one of the main parts of the JEF area, therefore it needs a clear will to have a bigger share in our security. It is important that we lay the groundwork for the UK-led capability to be able to strengthen the Baltic deterrence and defence posture. NATO Minister of Defence agree on the necessity to strength the eastern flank of the Alliance, the JEF needs to do the same,” Vice Minister M. Abukevičius said.
Defence Ministers of the counties contributing capabilities to the JEF condemned actions of the Russian Federation that had recognized Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as independent thus violating the Minsk accords and international law. Ministers also denounced the Russian military buildup on the border with Ukraine and potential further invasion of Donbas.
In the discussion over assistance to Ukraine, M.Abukevičius reiterated Lithuania’s unwavering dedication to supporting Ukraine not only through diplomacy but also by building up its defensive capabilities. Ministers also addressed further prospects for JEF development: M. Abukevičius underscored that Lithuania viewed the JEF as one of the initial means of managing any crisis and it was the right time to put such capacity into action.
The Joint Expeditionary Force is a brigade-sized high-readiness combat unit capable of responding to crises on short notice in Europe and beyond: from delivering humanitarian aid and deterrence to combat operations. The primary role of the JEF is rapid response under European Union, NATO or United Nations flag. JEF units could also be activated for NATO Article 5 operations.
The JEF is led by the United Kingdom and formed by ten Northern European nations: UK, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland contribute air, land and air capabilities to the JEF.
One Lithuanian officer has been serving at the JEF operational headquarters at Northwood, UK, since 2016, and another Lithuania’s contribution to it, a company-sized unit, is attached to the Danish Army Battle Group. One Lithuania paramedic is also assigned to the UK field hospital.