On June 21 through 24 Director of the Defence Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Dr Yuriy Punda is conducting a visit to Lithuania.
Dr Y. Punda will have meetings with Vice Minister of National Defence Margiris Abukevičius and MoD Defence Policy Director Vaidotas Urbelis. Bilateral security and defence cooperation between Lithuania and Ukraine will be discussed.
During the visit the guest will also meet with representatives of the Defence Staff, Gen Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania and NATO Force Integration Unit.
Lithuania supports Ukraine’s aspiration to become a member of NATO and actively develops bilateral cooperation in defence area. Lithuania supports Ukraine’s reforms in military career education alone and together with NATO allies, assists Ukraine with adoption of NATO standards and procedures into the Armed Forces that seeks to increase interaction with armed forces of NATO allies.
Defence cooperation between Lithuania and Ukraine intensified after the Russian military aggression in 2014. Lithuania was rendering material and technical assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, offered medical rehabilitation to injured Ukrainian troops in Lithuania. Relations with Ukraine remains an important priority in Lithuania’s foreign and security policy. By developing the cooperation with the Eastern Partners Lithuania strengthens security in the region.
As mandated by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian military personnel is and will be serving in the Lithuanian National Military Training Mission in Ukraine launched in 2015.
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