“United States force presence in our region in uncertain times like these means is truly appreciated by the Lithuanian people. It is a demonstration that the United States act together with Lithuania to counter the threats. American troops in Lithuania alongside the NATO enhanced Forward Presence is the best deterrence against Russia,” said Vice Minister of National Defence Greta Monika Tučkutė expressing gratitude for the strong support to our national and regional security on May 28 at the hand over–take over ceremony in Pabradė. Colors of the 3-67 armor and the 1-9 field artillery battalions were cased at Camp Herkus and replaced with the colors of the 2-8 cavalry and 1-82 field artillery battalions, the latest U.S. rotational presence in Lithuania.
“The United States is the deploying already the 10th rotational unit in Pabradė. The uninterrupted presence of the American rotational force is a demonstration of the lasting U.S. commitment to Lithuania, a NATO Ally. Enshrined in the Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, it is steadfast and unbreakable. In these times of immense instability in the region, the U.S. troop presence deters aggression and promotes peace,” said Ambassador of the United States to Lithuania HE Kara C. McDonald.
Vice Minister G.M. Tučkutė presented to battalion commanders and senior enlisted leaders National Defence System Medals of Merit on behalf of Minister of National Defence L. Kasčiūnas who is on a work trip.
U.S. and NATO force presence in Lithuania is the key deterrent. The United States took the decision to maintain an uninterrupted rotational U.S. presence in the Baltic region. In its turn, Lithuania is committed to make every efforts to provide full Host Nation Support and proper infrastructure to the deployed forces. The heavy U.S. battalion have been rotating in to Lithuania since 2019.
Photo credits: Sgt Spc Karolis Kavolėlis / MoD