Minister of National Defence Arvydas Anušauskas and Allies discussed further support to Ukraine at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting today, March 15. It was agreed on the particular importance at the moment of keeping the societies in European and other Allies informed of the necessity of assistance to Ukraine.
A.Anušauskas underscored leadership of the United States in supporting Ukraine. “As we speak, the Ukrainians are continuously engaged in the ferocious battles in BAkhmut, Avdiivka, Mariinka and elsewhere, for their right to independence. The people of Ukraine are showing incredible stamina and abilities on the battlefield. However, the aggressor has not fallen yet. That is why we have to focus on the assistance to Ukraine even more strongly. We have to invest in defence even more if we want peace in Europe. Defence of both, Ukraine’s and our own. There simply is no other way,” said Minister of National Defence A. Anušauskas in his teleconference address to the Allies.
Minister of National Defence announced Lithuania’s new military assistance packages to Ukraine at the meeting. Lithuania understands the requirement in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and thus hands over 155 mm munition, ATVs and field ratios. Also, additional EUR 3 million is planned to be paid to the United Kingdom-overseen international fund for heavy equipment acquisition and EUR 1 million to the NATO CAP (Comprehensive Assistance Package) Trust Fund for non-lethal aid. The military aid Lithuania has transferred to Ukraine will soon total to EUR 545 million.
Training assistance is yet another form in which Lithuania supports Ukraine, 1,600 Ukrainian troops are planned to undergo the training in the course of 2023, 40 Lithuanian military instructors will join the ranks of the EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM) in Germany. Lithuanian military instructors have already trained 250 Ukrainian military personnel since the beginning of the year.
Instructors of the Lithuanian Armed Forces are contributing to the effort to assist Ukraine with military training at national level her in Lithuania and through international initiatives, such as EUMAM or UK-led INTERFLEX. . Plans are also developed to deliver demining courses in Lithuania in cooperation with the Nordic countries.
As yet another means of support to Ukraine, Lithuania is ready to further host the injured Ukrainian military for medical treatment, the current commitment is to accept up to 400 as in-patients and 1200 for medical rehabilitation across Lithuania in 2023. Rehabilitation and in-hospital treatment for the Ukrainian military is coordinated with the EU and NATO. 136 troops have undergone treatment and 151 – rehabilitation in Lithuania.