On April 16 Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas had a meeting with Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lithuania HE Jack Twiss Quarles van Ufford.
Minister thanked Ambassador for the contribution in the Baltic region, deployments of NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states rotations, and especially, for the active Dutch participation in the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group Lithuania. The meeting also focused particularly on the Dutch decision to deploy the Patriot air and missile defence system in Lithuania.
“I would like to express sincere gratitude for your decision to deploy the Patriot air and missile defence system to Lithuania this summer. I believe that our countries will be able to cooperate in the Rotational Air Defence Model framework in the future as well. We are ready to offer full Host Nation Support to the air defence capabilities deployed to Lithuania,” noted Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas at the meeting.
According to Minister, Patriot deployment will also be a clear signal of invitation for other countries to join in the implementation of the Rotational Air Defence Model, which is particularly important to have completed by the NATO Summit in Washington in July.
Another major focus of the meeting was the concept of total defence. According to Minister, commitment of every citizen to fight for their state is a component of importance equal to a strong military and cutting-edge weaponry. “Civic resolve to defence and defence themselves is also a serious signal of deterrence to an adversary. Everyone must be prepared to engage in defence: the A and Z of total defence is involvement of each and every citizen. Every person must know how to defend their homes, where to go and what to do. We have to make sure that our citizens are informed and taught the necessary skills. It is the duty of public institutions to provide such information and skills,” Minister shared insights.
Lithuania buys from the Netherlands Thales GM200 MM/C, a multifunctional artillery radar system, the Netherlands is a member of the European Union PESCO Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRT) project led by Lithuania and provides training for NASAMS advanced surface-to air-missile system operators in the Dutch simulation centre. Alongside with Germany, the Netherlands is the largest contributor of military personnel and equipment to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group Lithuania. Dutch military personnel is also expected to serve in composition of the German Brigade Lithuania.
Photo credit: MoD / Sgt Spc K. Kavolėlis